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Little Printer & BERG Cloud

These two projects were so complex and involved that the needed a separate page of their own to fully do the story justice. Please note that this write-up is not yet complete!

Little Printer

Little Printer was the culmination of an incredibly small team’s work over a two year period which resulted in a fully realised piece of wireless consumer electronics with a complex web-based service component and developer API.

In late 2010 Andy Huntington and I started developing a prototype of Little Printer using a Sheeva Plug and some acrylic roughly formed into a cradle to hold a print mechanism and thermally-reactive paper.

Little Printer P1 prototypes

In late 2012 we launched a brand new connected consumer electronics platform called BERG Cloud.  The first product on this platform is called Little Printer, a small thermal printer. A curiously difficult device to describe in a succinct manner, Little Printer is without doubt the most technically accomplished project I’ve ever worked on, and possibly the longest, at around 24 months. We made and sold 1000 units in 2012, and we’re continuing to scale up production into 2013.


We then expanded the concept on Little Printer and created a development board which would allow makers to create connected products on our new platform, Berg Cloud.